department of Microbiology

Barkatullah university



Name:Prof. Anil Prakash

Designation: Professor (HOD)

Phone no.:(R) 0755-2427862 (O) 0755-2517133, 104

Academic details:

  1. Ph.D in Microbiology (1985), Bhopal University, Bhopal.
  2. M.Phil (1980),Bhopal University, Bhopal

Academic positions:

  1. Dean: Faculty of Life Sciences, Barkatullah University, Bhopal (2016- 2018).
  2. Chairman: Board of Studies of Microbiology subject, Barkatullah University, Bhopal (2015-2018).
  3. Member Board of Studies as subject expert in IISS University, Jaipur.
  4. Member Board of Studies as subject expert RKDF University, Bhopal.
  5. Member: Research Degree Committee of Biotechnology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal.



Awarded MONBUSHO Fellowship. (1985-1987).

Visited Hungary under Indo-Hungary Cultural Exchange Programme UGC, New Delhi, from May to June 2002.

Research interests: Fungal Biotechnology, Microbial ecology, Mushroom Technology and Mycorrhizal Technology, Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria.

Important Publications:

Name: Dr Anita Tilwari
Designation: Associate Professor
E mail ID: ,
Phone No. : 09425365332

Academic Details:
PDF: Molecular Medicine from university Sains Malaysia, on Govt of India Overseas
Fellowship grant
to about 10 meritorious scientists every year.- 2009-10
PhD: PhD Awarded in Biotechnology from School of Biotechnology, Rajiv Gandhi Technical
University, Bhopal

Academic Positions:
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Barkatullah University , Bhopal from 18
Aug 2022 to till date
Senior Scientist, M.P. Council of Science & Technology, Deptt. of S & T, Govt. of M.P,
Bhopal from 2010 to 2022
Worked as Microbiologist in the Department of Quality Control at Godrej Hershey Ltd, a
top multinational food processing Industry at Mandideep, Bhopal MP India from Nov 2006-
Nov 2009.

Guest Faculty Department of Microbiology, Govt. MVM College, Bhopal from August
2006 Nov 2006 Pay Scale As per the UGC rules

1. “Young Scientist Award 2005” bestowed upon by the State of Madhya Pradesh for
innovativ scientific contributions and research works, in the field of Bio Sciences.
2. Young Achievers award (2012) by Janparishad, Bhopal
3. Award in the field of Research for women Scientist by Gourajan Utthan evam Kalyan
Sanstha, Bhopal (2014)
4. Appreciation Letter by Under Secretary to Chief minister, Government of Madhya Pradesh
for selection in the overseas fellowship
1. Post doctoral fellowship award” Govt. of India for Overseas studies 2008-2009.
2. Rajiv Gandhi National fellow award (2007) for Research and Innovation
3. Fellowship for Training of Young Scientists (FTYS): Madhya Pradesh, 2005
Research Interest: Molecular biology, Microbial diversity, Taxonomy and Bioprospecting of
Microorganisms from plants, terrestrial and extreme environment (extremophiles) especially
from hot springs of Central India. Identification and identification of new bioactive molecules
from microbial origin, Immunology and cancer biology.
Important Publications:
The ORCID iD associated with  is:

Name: Ms. Preetibala Solanki
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email ID:
Phone no.: +91 9584337002, 9171126767
Academic Details:

  • Ph.D. (Pursuing) Applied Microbiology - Life Sciences, School of Life Sciences, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, MP, India.
  • M.Sc. & B.Sc. in Microbiology, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, MP, India.
  • ICAR National Eligibility Test (2016), qualified for Lectureship, MP, India.
  • MPPSC Assistant Professor Exam (2017), in Botany subject MP, India
  • MPPSC State Eligibility Test (2018), in Life Science subject MP, India


  • International Travel Grant by ISLS 2021 (4 th International Advanced Liver and Pancreas Surgery Symposium) held in Bexco, Busan South Korea.
  • Poster Exhibition Award by ICBMT 2021 (International Congress of BMT 2021 26 th annual Congress on KSBMT), Seol, South Korea.
  • Best Abstract Award by APCMS 2021 (4 th Asia-Pacific Cardio Metabolic Syndrome) Seol, South Korea.

Research Interest:
Microbial Technology, Fermentation Technology, Microbial Prospecting, Strain Isolation, Identification
and Purification, Media Optimization, Bioprocess, and Statistical Optimization.


Name: Dr. Sunil Kumar Snehi

Designation:   Assistant Professor


Phone no.: 7089121283, 9839933686

Academic details:

  • Technical Officer / Technical Assistant at Plant Molecular Virology Lab, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, U. P (2005-2014)
  • Ph.D. (Botany) from University of Lucknow, Lucknow (2012)      


  1. International Travel grant Awards by: Department of Science & Technology (DST), New Delhi, India:Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), under the Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi awarded me travel grant/support as a Young Scientist (committed letter no. SB/ITS-Y/03389/2014-15, dated 02.09.2014) to attend the “4th World Congress on Virology” held on October 06-08, 2014) San Antonio, TX, USA.


Research interests: Plant Molecular Virology, Molecular Biology and Microbiology


Guest Faculties

Name – Dr. Rajshree Sinha
Designation – Guest faculty (Botany)
E-mail –
Phone number - 9981161417
Academic details-

  •  Ph.d in Botany (2021) Barkatullah University, Bhopal, M.P.
  • M.Phil. (Botany) Bio-science Depart. R.D.V.V, Jabalpur, M.P.  (2009)         

Research interest- Ethnobotany and Plant tissue culture
Important publications-

  •  Verma Karuna S., Saxena Neerja, Sinha Rajshree, Agarwal Abha (2010) “Phytochemical Screening and Therapeutic Profiling of Madhuca indica J.F. Gmel”.  Vegetos- An International Journal of Plant Research; 23(1):109-115.
  • Karuna S. Verma, Rajshree Sinha and Deepa Dahake (2010) .Survey of Ethnomedicinal plants of selected sites of Jabalpur and Mandla districts. Indian J. Trop. Biodiv. 18(1):119-122.
  • Sinha R. and Varma R., ”Michelia champaca L. (Swarna Champa): A Review”, I nternational Journal of Enhanced Research In Science Technology & Engineering (IJERSTE) ISSN: 2319-7463, Vol. 5 Issue 8, August-2016
  •  Sinha R, Varma R. Antioxidant activity in leaf extracts of Michelia champaca L. J Adv Pharm Edu Res 2017;2(1):86-88.
  • Sinha R, Varma R, Antioxidant activity and Phytochemical screening of Michelia champaca L. flowers, Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2019, 10 (5)
  • Sinha R, Varma R., Effect of growth hormones on shoot initiation of Michelia champaca L. International Journal of Life Sciences Research ISSN 2348-3148 (online) Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp: (22-25), Month: January - March 2019,

Name : Dr.Bindu Nahar
Designation : Guest Faculty (Botany)
E-mail :
Phone no : 9479373178
Academic details:

  • Ph. D. in Botany (2021) Barkatullah University, Bhopal

Academic positions:

  • Worked as an Asst Professor of subject Botany from 2005-2022 in Shri Ram College, Chitransh. A. D. P.G College and Gandhi P.R. College Bhopal.
  • Selected under Code 28 under Barkatullah University from 2007.
  • Copy Valuation and Question Paper setter in Barkatullah University, Vikramaditya University and Sagar University.
  •  Working as External for Practical Exam in Subject Botany, Biotechnology and Microbiology
    a) AISECT University
    b) Barkatulla University.

Awards : None
Research interests : Aquatic Fungi
Important Published

  • http://www.wjpr20201-16525
  • http://www.wjpr202014 -19007
  • (ISSN-2349-5162) 

Name: Smriti Chouhan (Saxena)
Designation: Guest Faculty (Agronomy)
Phone no.: 8889645599, 9131445450
Academic details: 
Ph.D. pursuing in Microbiology
Qualified ICAR NET (2017) with 61.33%.
Academic positions-

  • Guest Faculty at Dept. of Microbiology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal (Sep.2018-Dec. 2018), (August 2022 to Continue)
  • Asst. Professor at Dept. of Microbiology & Biotechnology in P.M.B. GUJARATI SCIENCE COLLEGE INDORE (Jul 2011 to August 2018)
  • Worked As Asst. Professor of Dept. of Microbiology & Biotechnology in OJASWINI INSTITUTE Damoh (Aug. 2007 to May 2008)

Research Projects
Principal Investigator under Minor Research Project on ‘Laccase: Screening of potential
microbes, cost effective production and its application in biodegradation of industrial
pollutants’ sanctioned by University Grants Commission, Government of India.
(March2015 to March 2017)

? Awarded one lakh rupees Seed Money from Honorable Governor, Chief Minister and
Education Minister of Government of Madhya Pradesh and incubation center of
Barkatullah University, Bhopal in August 2021for startup research project on
Development of liquid fungal biofertilizer by Talaromyces trachyspermus.
? Awarded UNIVERSITY RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP from Barkatullah University
Bhopal in June 2019 for two years during Ph.D research work.
? Young Scientist Award (AFBSAH-2016) on the occasion of International Conference on
“Advancing Frontiers in Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture and Health
“organized by Department of MCE in collaboration with Society of Biotechnology
during 25-26 February, 2016 held at SHIATS, Allahabad
? Consolation Award prize in poster presentation (Multifunctional Aspects of Probiotics) at
Micro-tech 2006 junior scientist award. (Jabalpur)
Research interests: Agricultural Microbiology & Environmental Microbiology


  • Review article titled "Amelioration in traditional farming system by exploring the different plant growth promoting attributes of endophytes for sustainable agriculture", DOI 10.1007/s00203-021-02637-4 has been published in Archives of Microbiology (Springer Nature) ISSN 0302-8933 (print) 1432-072X (web) with impact factor 2020)- 2.552.
  • Research article titled “Optimization and Characterization of Indole Acetic Acid Producing Efficiency of Talaromyces trachyspermus for Sustainable Agro-practices.” Frontiers in Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 8, No. 2, 2022, pp. 25-34. doi: 10.11648/j.fem.20220802.12
  • Published popular article in ICAR magazine at Jabalpur on “Role of Microorganisms on climate change.”


Name: Neha Paliwal
Designation : Guest Faculty (Agronomy)
Phone no: 9713745137
Academic details:
1. M.Sc (Biotechnology) in 2012 Sanghvi Institute of Management & Science, Indore
2. B.Sc (Biotechnology) in 2009 Holkar Science College, Indore
Acadamic Positions:

  • Working as a Guest Faculty (Agronomy) in Microbiology Department, Barkatullah University, Bhopal.
  • Worked in R.K Academy (C.B.S.E.) as a Teacher( Biology Subject) Since Jan 2013 to March 2014


  • CSIR NET (Life Science) Qualified in June 2019 with AIR 32
  • CSIR NET ( Life Science) Qualified in June 2017 with AIR 43


  • Statistical Analysis of Various Parameters of Dyslipidemia” in International Science Congress Association at M.R.S College, Indore.

Research Scholars

Name: Dr. Leena Agarwal

Designation: Post-doctorate (CSIR-Research Associate)


Phone no.:9300530301

Academic details:

  • Postdoc Associate at Barkatullah University, Bhopal - 2018
  • IASc-INSA-NASI Summer Research Teacher Fellow at Jawaharlal NehruUniversityNew Delhi - 2018
  • Assistant Professor at SAM girls College, Bhopal - 2017-18
  • Ph.D. (Biotechnology) from CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur - 2015 

Research interests: Microbial microbiology and biotechnology, microbial carbon sequestration, desert reclamation, microbial genomics and proteomics, bioinformatics


  1. CSIR-Research Associateship award in 2018
  2. IASc-INSA-NASISummer Research Fellowship award in 2018 (May-July 2018)
  3. CSIR-Senior Research Fellowship award in 2011  


Important publications:

Orcid ID:

Name: SmritiSaxena

Designation: Research Scholar


Phone no.: 8889645599

Academic details:  Ph.D. pursuing

                               Qualified ICAR NET (2017) with 61.33%.


Academic positions-

Guest Faculty at Dept. of Microbiology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal (Sep.2018-Dec. 2018)


Asst. Professor at Dept. of Microbiology & Biotechnology in P.M.B. GUJARATI

SCIENCE COLLEGE INDORE (Jul 2011 to August 2018)


Worked As Asst. Professor of Dept. of Microbiology & Biotechnology in OJASWINI

INSTITUTE Damoh (Aug. 2007 to May 2008)


Research Projects

Principal Investigator under Minor Research Project on ‘Laccase: Screening of potential microbes, cost effective production and its application in biodegradation of industrial pollutants’ sanctioned by University Grants Commission, Government of India. (March2015 to March 2017)



Young Scientist Award (AFBSAH-2016) on the occasion of International Conference on “Advancing Frontiers in Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture and Health “organized by Department of MCE in collaboration with Society of Biotechnology during 25-26 February, 2016 held at SHIATS, Allahabad


Research interests: Agricultural Microbiology & Environmental Microbiology

Publications: -


Designation:Research Scholar

Academic details:DST WOS-A Fellow, CSIR-NET, ICAR-NET

Awards:DST WOS-A

Research interests:Plant-Microbe interactions, Agricultural sustainability

Important Publications:

  • Chaturvedi H., Singh V. and Gupta G (2016). Potential of bacterial endophytes as plant growth promoting factors. Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology; 7(9): 1-6.
  • Dwivedi D., Khare M., Chaturvedi H. and Singh V (2017). Role of PGPR in Biofilm formations and its importance in plant health. I. Ahmad & and F. M. Husain (Eds), Biofilms in Plant and Soil Health, Willey Online, USA pp 27-42.
  • Gupta G, Chaturvedi H., Snehi S. K., and Anil Prakash (2019). Role of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) for Improvement of Sustainable Agriculture in Plant Growth Promoting Microorganisms: Microbial Resources for Enhanced Agricultural Productivity. Eds. Niranjan S. Raj and A. C. Udayashankar, Nova Publisher, USA

Name:Nandini Singh

Designation: PhD Scholar


Academic details: Pursuing PhD (Registration- 2016)

Research interests: Agricultural Microbiology, Probiotics


Probiotics - A Probable Therapeutic Agent for Spondyloarthropathy. 1Nandini Singh, 2HariomYadav, 3Francesco Marotta and 1Vinod Singh. International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics. 2017; 12(2): 57-68.


Name: Shailendra Singh Parihar…

Designation:Research Scholar


Phone no.: 9179116184

Academic details:

Ph.D. in Microbiology pursuing


  • 2012 Gate Qualified
  • 2014 and 2017 ICAR NET Qualified
  • 3rd Prize on  Poster Presentation  in  First Research Seminar 2019, B.U.,  Bhopal

Research interests: Mushroom technology and Molecular Biology


  • Singh, V., Parihar, S. S., Gupta, G., Khare, M. 2016. Molecular characterization of Ganodermalucidum and analysis of few secondary metabolites use as antimicrobial activity. International Journal of Pharma& Bio Sciences. Spl Ed. (Int-BIONANO-AMITY University, Gwalior (M.P.): 83-90.
  •  Gupta, G., Parihar S.S.,  andSingh,V., 2018. Plant growth promoting Pseudomonas strain and their role in crop improvement in conference proceeding of Medicinal Plants, Environment, Biotechnology, Ayush, and Biomedicine for Human, Health and Sustainable Development, pp 29-32.
  • Gupta, G.,Parihar, S.S., Ahirwar, N.K., Snehi, S.K. and Singh, V., 2015. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR): current and future prospects for development of sustainable agriculture. J MicrobBiochemTechnol7(2), pp.096-102 (Highly cited article, 286 citations).
  • Snehi, S.K., Parihar, S.S., Gupta,G.,Purvia, A.S. and Singh, V., 2018. Molecular identification of a Begomovirus associated with yellow vein net disease on Malvaparviflora L. from India. Microbiology: Current Research2(2), 24-29.
  • Snehi, S. K., Purvia, A. S.,Parihar, S. S., Gupta, G., Singh, V., and Raj, S. K. 2017. Overview of Begomovirus Genomic Organization and its impact. International Journal of Current Research 9(11), 61368-61380.
  • Snehi, S.K., Purvia, A.S., Gupta, G.,Parihar, S.S. and Singh, V., 2017. Molecular detection of a Begomovirus species on Chaya (Cnidoscolusacontifolia) from Madhya Pradesh, India which is distantly related to Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus. VirolMycol6, p.1.
  • Snehi, S.K., Parihar, S.S., Gupta, G., Singh, V. and Purvia, A.S., 2016. Molecular Detection and Identification of Begomovirus Isolate on Tomato from Central Region of India. J Plant Pathol Micro7, p.389.

Name – ApekchaBajpai

Designation - PhD scholar

Phone no. - 9713308052


  • Qualified State Eligibility Test (SET), 2017
  • Qualified CSIR UGC-NET (LS) June 2016, AIR-33
  • Qualified ASRB (ICAR) NET, 2016


  • Qualified State Eligibility Test (SET), 2017
  • Qualified CSIR UGC-NET (LS) June 2016, AIR-33
  • Qualified ASRB (ICAR) NET, 2016

Research interest

Plant microbe interaction especially studying rhizosphere microbial inhabitants with a focus on Bacillus and Pseudomonas



Pursuing Ph.D. (registered at Barkatullah University)


Senior Research Fellow, ICAR-Indian Institute of Soybean Research, Indore (M.P.)

Phone: 7898635715




                               Pursuing Ph.D. (registered at Barkatullah University)

Designation:         Assistant Professor

                              Dept. of Microbiology & Biotechnology in P.M.B.

                               Gujarati Science College INDORE (M.P.)


Mobile Number:   7240971443

Name: Dipanti Chourasia

Pursuing Ph.D. (registered at Barkatullah university)


Senior Research Fellow (Working in AMAAS Net-work project,

ICAR-Indian Institute of Soybean Research, Indore-452001, India            


Phone No.:     +91-96176637142      

Name:           Khushbu Bathri

Designation:   Research scholar


Contact no.:  9685975472

Academic details:

Ph.D. pursuing in Microbiology

Academic positions:   

Worked at Asst. Professor Dept. of Microbiology Vivekananda Vigyan                                  

Mahavidhyalaya Betul (April 2018 to January 2020)


  • 1st prize Poster Presentation  Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal, M. P, India (SCIENCIA '15) organized by Energy Center, MANIT, in association with MPCST on the occasion of National Science Day celebration  from March, 2015.
  • 1st prize Poster Presentation in National Research Seminar "Hazardous Environment & Detrimental Effect On Biodiversity",March 2015, Organized by R & D Cell and Department of Zoology, J. H. Govt. Lead College, Betul(M. P.) .



Designation: Ph.D. Research Scholar

Phone No. : +91-9452955363

Academic details:

  1. Ph.D. in Microbiology (pursuing), Barkatullah University, Bhopal (M.P.).
  2. M.Sc. in Microbiology (2019), Barkatullah University, Bhopal (M.P.).
  3. B.Sc. in Industrial Microbiology (2017), Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar (M.P.).


  • ICAR NET (2020) in Agriculture Microbiology.

Research interests: Plant Molecular Virology, Molecular Biology, Environment Microbiology, and Microbiology.


The ORCID ID associated with is:

  1. Snehi S.K., Kushvaha R.P., Parihar S.S., Bathri K. (2022). “First report of Tomato leaf curl Karnataka virus associated with leaf curl disease of Zinnia elegans in India". New Disease Reports, 46(2),1-2. DOI: 10.1002/ndr2.12138
  2. Ram Prasad Kushvaha, Shailendra Singh Parihar, TanimArpit Singh, and Anil Prakash (2022). Biodegradation of Synthetic Dyes by Bacteria Isolated from Textile Water Effluent. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology, 25(6): 46-56. DOI:10.9734/JABB/2022/v25i630289
  3. Snehi, S. K., Bashir, G., Kushvaha, R. P., Alia, A., Kumar, B. (2022). Brief overview of Phytoplasma associated with pigeon pea cultivated in India. International Journal of Phytology Research, 2(1), 01-06.